Meru Techniques
We take a strong, environmentally concious approach to furniture design through an innovative recycling method. Our buyers in Indonesia purchase old houses, Dutch colonial sugar mills, tools, instruments and boat parts made from teak.
This historic wood is then hand crafted by native Indonesian artisans. These craftsmen use primitive tools and traditional techniques. Once the piece has been completed, it is individually hand-finished using a traditional, natural process.
The furniture joinery is “tendon and mortise”. it is first pegged and then glued together. The finish is achieved using a traditional French palming technique. The process begins in the trees of Sumatra, with the collection of beetle secretions which emerge under the wing of the insect. The hard, pellet-like substance is then suspended in denatured alcohol for about 20 hours. The solution is then applied so that the alcohol evaporates and produces the resulting ancient technique of shellacking.